infographiste عضو متميز
نقاط : 11811 السٌّمعَة : 27 تاريخ التسجيل : 22/09/2009 موطني :
| موضوع: تعليم أساسيات Flash CS4 من شركة lynda السبت 26 سبتمبر 2009, 23:39 | |
| بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Total Training for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional: Essentials | 516MB
Chapter 1: CREATING & MANAGING CONTENT (32 min) 1. Touring the Flash Interface 2. New Document Settings & Navigation 3. Drawing & Selecting Simple Vector Shapes 4. Drawing Curves with the Pen & Pencil Tools 5. Exploring Other Drawing Tools 6. Interaction between Shapes . Grouping Objects 8. Working in Object DrawingMode
Chapter 2: MANAGING WEBSITE CONTENT (10 min) 1. Working with Layers 2. Using Bitmaps 3. Adding Text 4. Use the Regular & Primitive Shape Tools to Build a Graphic 5. Creating & Adjusting a Symbol 6. Transforming Objects with the Free Transform Tool 7. Exploring Color Types & Gradients
Chapter 3: THE TIMELINE (20 min) 1. Timeline Basics 2. Create a Span of Frames & Control the Playhead 3. Creating Keyframes 4. Insert Blank Keyframes & Clear Keyframes 5. Frame-by-Frame Animation & Onion Skin
Chapter 4: MOTION PRESETS (35 min) 1. Getting Started with Motion Presets 2. Modifying a Motion Tween 3. Stretching Tween Spans 4. Save Custom Presets & Create Layer Folders 5. Moving Tween Spans 6. Setting Static Frames 7. Building a Test Movie
Chapter 5: CREATING A MOTION TWEEN (38 min) 1. Adding a Motion Tween 2. Setting Property Keyframes for Scale & Rotation 3. Creating a Motion Tween from a Shape 4. Easing Keyframes 5. Creating a Fade-in by Adjusting the Alpha 6. Making a Motion Preset
Chapter 6: ANIMATION TECHNIQUES (55 min) 1. Importing Slideshow Content 2. Working in a Movie Clip Timeline 3. Animating the First Image in the Slideshow 4. Non-linear Animation 5. Swapping Objects 6. Using the Distribute to Layers Command 7. Adjust Timeline View Options & Animation Timing
Chapter 7: ACTIONSCRIPT & BEHAVIORS (62 min) 1. Introducing ActionScript 2. Adding a Stop Action 3. Creating Buttons & Setting Button States 4. Creating Interactive Text Buttons 5. Adding Site Content 6. Setting up for ActionScript 2 7. Adding Behaviors with ActionScript 2 8. Writing ActionScript 3
Chapter 8: USING SOUND & VIDEO (43 min) 1. Adding a Sound File to the Timeline 2. Adding Sound to a Button 3. Encoding Video for Import into Flash 4. Set Import Options & Choose a Player Skin 5. The FLVPlayback Component & Component Inspector 6. Flash Video for ActionScript 2 & Older Players
Chapter 9: PUBLISHING YOUR SITE (40 min) 1. Overview of Flash Publish Settings 2. Compression in Bitmaps & Sounds 3. Other Flash Publish Settings 4. HTML Settings 5. Publishing Your Flash Movie 6. Dreamweaver(R) Integration 7. Uploading Your Site to a Server via FTP 8. Credits
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اتحاديه مشرفة قسم الماسنجر و multimedia
نقاط : 12297 السٌّمعَة : 11 تاريخ التسجيل : 09/08/2009 العمر : 26 موطني :
| موضوع: رد: تعليم أساسيات Flash CS4 من شركة lynda الأحد 27 سبتمبر 2009, 20:23 | |
| السلام عليكم برامج رائعه ما شاء الله | |
نقاط : 10083 السٌّمعَة : 10 تاريخ التسجيل : 27/01/2011 موطني :
| موضوع: رد: تعليم أساسيات Flash CS4 من شركة lynda الخميس 27 يناير 2011, 23:40 | |
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